12 research outputs found

    Non-k-diagonality in the interlayer pair-tunneling model of high-temperature superconductivity

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    We investigate the effect of k-space broadening of the interlayer pairing kernel on the critical temperature T_c and the k-dependence of the gap function in a one-dimensional version of the interlayer pair-tunneling model of high-T_c superconductivity. We consider constant as well as k-dependent intralayer pairing kernels. We find that the sensitivity to k-space broadening is larger the smaller the width of the peak of the Fermi-level gap calculated for zero broadening. This width increases with the overall magnitude of the interlayer tunneling matrix element, and decreases with the bandwidth of the single-electron intralayer excitation spectrum. The width also increases as the Fermi level is moved towards regions where the excitation spectrum flattens out. We argue that our qualitative conclusions are valid also for a two-dimensional model. This indicates that at or close to half-filling in two dimensions, when the Fermi-surface gap for zero broadening attains its peaks at (±π/a,0)(\pm \pi/a,0) and (0,±π/a)(0,\pm\pi/a) where the excitation spectrum is flat, these peaks should be fairly robust to moderate momentum broadening.Comment: 10 pages including 4 figures, to be published in Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Unified explanation of the Kadowaki-Woods ratio in strongly correlated materials

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    Discoveries of ratios whose values are constant within broad classes of materials have led to many deep physical insights. The Kadowaki-Woods ratio (KWR) compares the temperature dependence of a metal's resistivity to that of its heat capacity; thereby probing the relationship between the electron-electron scattering rate and the renormalisation of the electron mass. However, the KWR takes very different values in different materials. Here we introduce a ratio, closely related to the KWR, that includes the effects of carrier density and spatial dimensionality and takes the same (predicted) value in organic charge transfer salts, transition metal oxides, heavy fermions and transition metals - despite the numerator and denominator varying by ten orders of magnitude. Hence, in these materials, the same emergent physics is responsible for the mass enhancement and the quadratic temperature dependence of the resistivity and no exotic explanations of their KWRs are required.Comment: Final version accepted by Nature Phy

    Field-theoretical renormalization group for a flat two-dimensional Fermi surface

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    We implement an explicit two-loop calculation of the coupling functions and the self-energy of interacting fermions with a two-dimensional flat Fermi surface in the framework of the field theoretical renormalization group (RG) approach. Throughout the calculation both the Fermi surface and the Fermi velocity are assumed to be fixed and unaffected by interactions. We show that in two dimensions, in a weak coupling regime, there is no significant change in the RG flow compared to the well-known one-loop results available in the literature. However, if we extrapolate the flow to a moderate coupling regime there are interesting new features associated with an anisotropic suppression of the quasiparticle weight Z along the Fermi surface, and the vanishing of the renormalized coupling functions for several choices of the external momenta.Comment: 16 pages and 22 figure

    The Entanglement Entropy of Solvable Lattice Models

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    We consider the spin k/2 analogue of the XXZ quantum spin chain. We compute the entanglement entropy S associated with splitting the infinite chain into two semi-infinite pieces. In the scaling limit, we find S ~ c_k/6 (ln(xi))+ln(g)+... . Here xi is the correlation length and c_k=3k/(k+2) is the central charge associated with the sl_2 WZW model at level k. ln(g) is the boundary entropy of the WZW model. Our result extends previous observations and suggests that this is a simple and perhaps rather general way both of extracting the central charge of the ultraviolet CFT associated with the scaling limit of a solvable lattice model, and of matching lattice and CFT boundary conditions.Comment: 6 pages; connection with boundary entropy of Affleck and Ludwig added in revised version and notation slightly change

    Bound states in d-density-wave phases

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    We investigate the quasiparticle spectrum near surfaces in a two-dimensional system with d-density-wave order within a mean-field theory. For Fermi surfaces with perfect nesting for the ordering wave vector of the d-density-wave, a zero energy bound state occurs at [110] surfaces, in close analogy with the known effect in d-wave superconducting states or graphite. When the shape of the Fermi surface is changed by doping, the bound state energy moves away from the Fermi level. Furthermore, away from half-filling we find inhomogeneous phases with domain walls of the d-density-wave order parameter. The domain walls also support low energy bound states. These phenomena might provide an experimental test for hidden d-density-wave order in the high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Itinerancy and Hidden Order in URu2Si2URu_2Si_2

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    We argue that key characteristics of the enigmatic transition at T0=17.5KT_0= 17.5K in URu2Si2URu_2Si_2 indicate that the hidden order is a density wave formed within a band of composite quasiparticles, whose detailed structure is determined by local physics. We expand on our proposal (with J.A. Mydosh) of the hidden order as incommnesurate orbital antiferromagnetism and present experimental predictions to test our ideas. We then turn towards a microscopic description of orbital antiferromagnetism, exploring possible particle-hole pairings within the context of a simple one-band model. We end with a discussion of recent high-field and thermal transport experiment, and discuss their implications for the nature of the hidden order.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. v2 contains added referenc

    Duality relations and exotic orders in electronic ladder systems

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    We discuss duality relations in correlated electronic ladder systems to clarify mutual relations between various conventional and unconventional phases. For the generalized two-leg Hubbard ladder, we find two exact duality relations, and also one asymptotic relation which holds in the low-energy regime. These duality relations show that unconventional (exotic) density-wave orders such as staggered flux or circulating spin-current are directly mapped to conventional density-wave orders, which establishes the appearance of various exotic states with time-reversal and/or spin symmetry breaking. We also study duality relations in the SO(5) symmetry that was proposed to unify antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity. We show that the same SO(5) symmetry also unifies circulating spin current order and s-wave superconductivity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Proceedings of SPQS2004 (Sendai

    Entanglement Entropy dynamics in Heisenberg chains

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    By means of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group algorithm we study the zero-temperature dynamics of the Von Neumann entropy of a block of spins in a Heisenberg chain after a sudden quench in the anisotropy parameter. In the absence of any disorder the block entropy increases linearly with time and then saturates. We analyze the velocity of propagation of the entanglement as a function of the initial and final anisotropies and compare, wherever possible, our results with those obtained by means of Conformal Field Theory. In the disordered case we find a slower (logarithmic) evolution which may signals the onset of entanglement localization.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of Ring Exchange on Orbital Antiferromagnet

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    We study the effect of four-particle ring exchange process on orbital antiferromagnetic state that occurs in some correlated electron systems in two dimensions. The primary question is whether the ring exchange process enhances or suppresses the orbital antiferromagnetic ordering. Using the fact that the orbital antiferromagnetic state arises in the large-N limit of the SU(N) generalization of the t-J model, we consider the large-N limit of the t-J-KK model where KK represents the four-particle ring exchange term. The phase diagrams in the large-N mean field theory are obtained for the half-filling and finite hole concentrations at zero temperature. It is found that the ring exchange in general favors dimerized states or the inhomogeneous orbital antiferromagnetic state, and suppresses the homogeneous orbital antiferromagnetic state. We compare our results with other related models of strongly correlated systems with ring exchange processes.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure